Saturday, August 21, 2010

Key zones for wrybills at Lake Ellesmere

The attached Google map shows two zones (in white) that are critically important feeding sites for our threatened wrybill- both these sites need to be protected form environmental damage. Wrybills will be arriving at the Greenpark Sands this week- prior to flying up to their breeding sites on our braided rivers. Embankment Road offers a good access point from which to view wrybills- BUT PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE ONTO SALTMARSH

wrybills in flight - close up

wrybills in flight - close up

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wrybill - banded on Cass River MacKenzie- recovered Lake Ellesmere

GY/WY was banded on 30 Oct 09 in the Lower Cass River E 2307827 N 5700501. Female C-76803. Sighted at lake Ellesmere five months late in March 2010. the Greenpark sands are a vital habitat for wrybills throughout the year , but especially in mid Spring and late summer when large numbers gather on the Greenpark sands, from rivers throughout the South Island.

Wrybills pass through Avon-Heathcote Estuary

A flock of 15 was sighted yesterday. cool to have wrybills within urban Christchurch. well done to the CCC for creating this habitat at Charlesworth Reserve- an important roosting site at high tide- especially for bar tailed godwits.