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Assessment Information
Geographic Range
Habitat and Ecology
Conservation Actions
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Taxonomy [top]
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family
ANIMALIA CHORDATA AVES Charadriiformes Charadriidae
Scientific Name: Anarhynchus frontalis
Species Authority: Quoy and Gaimard, 1830
Common Name/s:
English – Wrybill
Assessment Information [top]
Red List Category & Criteria: Vulnerable C2a(i) ver 3.1
Year Assessed: 2008
Assessor/s BirdLife International
Evaluator/s: Butchart, S. & Mahood, S. (BirdLife International Red List Authority)
This species is listed as Vulnerable because it has a small population, in a single subpopulation, which is undergoing a continuing decline owing to habitat degradation and the impacts of introduced predators.
2006 – Vulnerable
2004 – Vulnerable
2000 – Vulnerable
1994 – Vulnerable
1988 – Lower Risk/least concern
Geographic Range [top]
Range Description: Anarhynchus frontalis breeds in Canterbury and Otago, South Island, New Zealand. It is found in over 26 riverbeds, but is only common on 10. It winters mainly north of 38°S in the North Island. In the last 40 years, population counts have varied between 3,000 and 5,000 individuals7, probably reflecting the difficulty in surveying the species2, but the current best estimate is 4,500-5,000 birds9. Analysis of wintering flocks indicates a slow decline over the last 40 years8, which is supported by preliminary results from a long-term demographic study2.
New Zealand
Range Map:
(click map to view full version)
Population [top]
Population: Riegen and Dowding (2003)
Population Trend: Decreasing
Habitat and Ecology [top]
Habitat and Ecology: It breeds on braided riverbeds, and frequents sheltered estuaries and coasts over the non-breeding season. Nests are built within 250 m of running water, and are usually hollows in bare shingle, lined with more than 100 small pebbles2,6. It lays two eggs. Young usually begin to breed at two or three years of age6. Mark-recapture of almost 2,400 birds indicates that many live past 10 years of age1, the average adult life expectancy is c.5.4 years4. Diet comprises mostly mayflies and caddisflies, but is more general when rivers are in flood5.
Systems: Freshwater
Threats [top]
Major Threat(s): Breeding habitat is deteriorating, primarily from the encroachment of weeds as hydroelectric schemes reduce seasonal flushing of riverbeds6. The extent of predation by stoat Mustela erminea and cats has not been quantified, but is likely to be substantial. The recent illegal introduction of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease has resulted in the localised switching of some predators to a diet consisting of more birds. Predation by Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus may pose an increasing threat as it becomes more numerous in association with human activities2. Increasing use of riverbeds for recreational purposes and floods are also threats3,6.
Conservation Actions [top]
Conservation Actions: Conservation actions underway:
The species was shot for sport until 1940, when it became fully protected6. Research on the impact of predation and prey-switching is being undertaken. Predator control for Black Stilt Himantopus novaezelandiae protection benefits a small proportion of the population2. Project River Recovery carries out habitat restoration and predator research in the McKenzie basin3.
Conservation actions proposed:
Model demographic data to determine population trends2.
Citation: BirdLife International 2008. Anarhynchus frontalis. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.3.
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